Complaints and Appeals

General Concerns or Complaints

If you have any concerns or complaints regarding publication in Teaching, Learning, and Development, please email Note that we do not oversee or comment on editorial decisions for any of our journals.

We strive to acknowledge receipt of your email within five business days. Our Research Integrity and Inclusion Manager will then investigate according to COPE guidelines, ensuring proper procedures have been followed. This includes reviewing the submission history and correspondence between the author, Editor, and reviewers.

You will be informed of the investigation's outcome in writing. While we aim to resolve issues as quickly as possible, typically within six weeks, some investigations may take longer due to the complexity of the issue, availability of data, involvement of multiple authors and papers, or participation of external parties like the author's institution.

To ensure due process, we kindly ask that you refrain from public commentary until the investigation concludes.

If you wish to further pursue your complaint, you may contact COPE directly. More information is available on the COPE website: Facilitation and Integrity Subcommittee | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics.

Complaints about Our Publications

All concerns regarding our published content are investigated confidentially and in line with COPE guidelines, regardless of the complainant's status or identity. Often, an internal review is conducted to decide if a full investigation is necessary. Any investigation will be conducted in collaboration with the author and the Journal Editor.

We strive to maintain the complainant's anonymity as much as possible, though certain complaints may inadvertently reveal their identity. Once an investigation is concluded and appropriate action is determined, we will inform the complainant. However, to maintain confidentiality, we cannot provide regular updates during the investigation.

Appealing the Editorial Decision

Editors have wide discretion in deciding if a submission is suitable for their journal. Many submissions are declined without external review, often accompanied by a general rejection statement. Such decisions cannot be formally appealed.

However, if an author believes that the rejection did not follow journal policies and procedures, they may appeal by submitting a detailed, point-by-point response to the reviewer and editor comments. The Editor will then review the peer review process. If the decision adhered to the editorial criteria, the Editor's rejection decision is final.

Appealing Corrective Action Taken Post Publication

When concerns are raised about a published article, the Editor will decide, following COPE guidelines, including those on retraction, whether the article needs to be retracted or if other corrective actions or notifications are necessary.

Authors can appeal this decision if new evidence affecting the initial decision emerges before the specified comment deadline. These appeals will be reviewed by the Editor and/or external scientific advisors. Decisions on appeals regarding retraction and expressions of concern are final.